Posiva Oy Uses Hyperdata Software 

Reference Statement / Posiva Oy

On request by Astrock Oy, a reference statement on their borehole data visualizer software Hyperdata is given below.

Company Posiva Oy is the global leader in final nuclear waste disposal. Posiva is the first in the world to begin the safe disposal of spent nuclear fuel into final disposal facilities excavated deep into the bedrock. The construction licence was granted on 2015 and permanent disposal at ONKALO® is due to commence within next few years and will be completed about a century later.

For the safe disposal, investigations are conducted to characterize the bedrock using different geological, geophysical, hydrological, rock mechanical and geochemical methods. Surveys are run on ground surveys, drilled holes, and in the investigation tunnel. Until now borehole data is collected from hundreds of boreholes with tens of methods.

Before Posiva purchased the Hyperdata licences, it used Astrock Hyperdata Report, a viewing software for a single borehole. Because the user interface was so functional, Posiva implemented the software on their investigation database POTTI on 2007 and it has been in continuous use after that.

Successful modeling of the bedrock requires successful visualisation of versatile borehole data. Easy access to the huge amount of data is an important part for achieving high-quality result. With Astrock Hyperdata, borehole image data can be searched effectively and data is displayed swiftly and smoothly. Images and numerical data are represented concisely and illustratively. In addition of numerical data Posiva uses corebox photograhps, optical and acoustic borehole images (OBI and ABI) and radar- and Sonic full wave seismograms. With Astrock Hyperdata it is possible easily and effortlessly select different combinations of datasets from hundreds of methods to be viewed at the same time on a screen.

Especially corebox photographs has proved to be very beneficial. Many problems have been solved at the office without a trip to a core shed. When visits have been necessary, it was possible to plan them more detailed and hence it has been much more effecient. Quality control, especially depth match, has improved significantly, because cores and other data are easy view at the same time.

The software is used on everyday basis when information from borehole data is needed. A good example of the use is when working with 3D model that requires checking different spots such as intersections or fracture zone conncetions of many boreholes scattered around the site.

For used nuclear fuel disposal modeling of fracture zones is very important. For the best possible quality Posiva measures the orientation of different structures from optical and acoustic borehole images. There are many software under use. Astrock Hyperdata tool is so simple that also occasionally use is very handy.

Astrock Oy
Y-tunnus 0971845-7

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