
fAST-logg Borehole Logging System for Grade Control

fAST-logg is a tailored, site specific logging application to survey, map and evaluate orebodies for mining purposes based on the variation in physical properties of the orebody and host rocks.

Figure: Virkkunen, R, 2006. Susceptibility and Gamma-Gamma Probe Measurements in Boreholes for Ore Boundary Determinations in LKAB's Iron Ore Mine in Malmberget, Northern Sweden. 6th International Mining Geology Conference. Darwin, NT, 21 - 23 August 2006.

Reach three accuracy levels 

fAST-logg borehole logging in production phase can reach three accuracy levels depending on the orebody

  • Quickly detecting ore boundaries 
  • Locating favorable zone or key structure controlling orebody 
  • At best, delineating orebody with grade estimation

Increase cost efficiency

All the logging accuracy levels provide tools

  • To minimize waste dilution and ore loss
  • To use less expensive percussion drilling instead of expensive core drilling

  • To reduce sampling and assay costs
  • To quickly receive information for stope planning or blasting

fAST-logg Borehole Logging System for Mineral Exploration

fAST-logg System also provides a versatile set of borehole probes for logging physical properties in mineral exploration holes.

The fAST-logg borehole probes for exploration holes consist of

  • Magnetic susceptibility
  • Galvanic resistivity with electrode arrays: Wenner,
  • Induced Polarization (IP)
  • Inductive conductivity
  • Gamma-Gamma density
  • Natural Gamma-ray
  • Gamma-ray spectrometer

Astrock Oy
Y-tunnus 0971845-7


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